The DIY Nano HD app allows families to experience and learn about nanoscale science, engineering, and technology at home or on the go...
The DIY Nano HD app allows families to experience and learn about nanoscale science, engineering, and technology at home or on the go! The app provides free, easy to use, hands-on activities at your fingertips. Each activity includes materials lists, step-by-step instructions, and detailed explanations. The activity materials are widely available and inexpensive, and you probably have many of them in your own home! Our app includes links to family friendly videos and helps you browse the whatisnano.org website for more information, activities, and videos.
An iPhone version is available, too!
The DIY Nano app was a collaboration of: Lawrence Hall of Science Sciencenter Emily Maletz Graphic Design NISE Net, a national collaboration of science museums. Funded by the National Science Foundation.
由 黄梨 首次分享 2014-09-22 11:20:05 这像是一个少儿版的wiki how ,很多老外对DIY情有独钟,这股热情也延伸到了子女教育方面,在这个应用里介绍了很多科学实验、物理实验教程,甚至还有怎么做菜的教程,全都是step by step,很详细。虽然是英文版,但小朋友完全可以通过看图来理解。免费~
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