Multiplying eggs free
App Store Editor's Choice in Taiwan - App Store, Education Category The multiplication t...
App Store Editor's Choice in Taiwan - App Store, Education Category
The multiplication table app named multiplying eggs app which design concept is from Montessori multiplication board. It allows children to play the number of eggs and understand the concept of multiplication.
The children can click on the egg or shake around the iPad, will appear different egg animals, for example: penguins, platypus, birds eggs.
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Multiplying eggs九九乘法app, 采用类似蒙台梭利的乘法板概念设计,可以让小朋友透过数蛋的方法,在玩中学习,了解乘法的概念。小朋友可以点击蛋或左右摇晃iPad, 蛋里会出现不同的蛋生动物,例:企鹅、鸭嘴兽、鸟等。
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