Bring nostalgia to storytime with these two alphabet books from historical children's literature, beautifully retouched and turned in...
Bring nostalgia to storytime with these two alphabet books from historical children's literature, beautifully retouched and turned into interactive books for your child's enjoyment. Funny Zoological ABCs, originally published in 1873, has charming drawings and rhymes with a read-to-me option. ***PARENTAL NOTE: this book uses 'asses' and 'queer' in their 19th century context and meaning. Child's Treasury of Knowledge, originally published ca. 1860, has press-and-hear objects arranged by beginning letter.
由 黄梨 首次分享 2014-08-29 10:03:29 复古路线的有声字母书,这个比系列一童趣更多一些。Read to me 功能能让孩子跟着学一口标准的发音。原价1.99美金,限免中。
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