2Kids ABC HD
****2Kids早期字母学习应用,限时免费开始了**** 2Kids ABC通过有趣的动画和互动小游戏帮助小朋友学习英文字母、字母发音、字母书写和常用单词 。 主...
2Kids ABC通过有趣的动画和互动小游戏帮助小朋友学习英文字母、字母发音、字母书写和常用单词 。
- 包含字母A-Z的学习
- 总共78段精美动画帮助字母和发音的认知。
- 每个字母采用3个常用单词以扩展儿童英语词汇量
- 每个字母提供“描红小游戏”,帮助练习正确字母书写
- 50多张精美贴纸奖励,增加孩子学习的主动性
- 简单的操作界面设计,让孩子快速进入学习和游戏状态
- 提供应用日志,让家长方便的了解孩子知识掌握情况
- 提供中英文2种界面和配音
官方网站: http://www.2kids.cn
新浪微博: http://weibo.com/2kidsworld
腾讯微博: http://t.qq.com/shengyi2kids
"2kids: ABC" helps young children learn the letters of the alphabet, their phonic sounds, words and tracing each letter in a fun-filled interactive format.
-Introduce letter A to Z
-78 lovable animations to teach letters and their phonic sounds
-Each letter has 3 words to improve children's vocabulary quantity
-Providing a fun-filled letter tracing exercise for each letter
-Over 50 cartoon stickers to increase the interest of learning
-Designed for kids -- no confusing menus or navigation
-Providing learning diary to let parents track their children's study
-Providing 2 languages in both menu and audio selection: English/Chinese
Website: http://www.2kids.cn
Sina Twitter: http://weibo.com/2kidsworld
Tencent Twitter: http://t.qq.com/shengyi2kids
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