'KidsMath 123' 是針對 4 到 6 歲學齡前孩童設計,提供了色彩繽紛且明亮的動物園主題畫面,搭配輕鬆有趣的音樂及音效,讓孩子們在面對每次不同數量的長頸鹿、大象、猴子、綿羊、及小鳥之有趣數...
'KidsMath 123' 是針對 4 到 6 歲學齡前孩童設計,提供了色彩繽紛且明亮的動物園主題畫面,搭配輕鬆有趣的音樂及音效,讓孩子們在面對每次不同數量的長頸鹿、大象、猴子、綿羊、及小鳥之有趣數數遊戲中,學習到基礎數學的數字及數量概念。這個可愛的小遊戲不但將為您的孩子們帶來很大的快樂外,更可做為一個很好的基礎數學學習教材。
‘KidsMath 123’ is designed for 4 to 6 year-old kids, providing them colorful and bright zoo theme graphics and cheerful music and sound effects. KidsMath 123 is a joyful counting game for children to learn the fundamentally mathematical conceptions of number and quantity, from random amounts of giraffes, elephants, monkeys, sheep, and birds. This lovely small game will not only bring great happiness but good studying materials of fundamental mathematics for your young kids.
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