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Baby View




参数:9.40 M / iOS 4.2+  
开发: Wayne Smith


短评: We are delighted that in only two weeks Baby View has received so many 5 star reviews!.....

We are delighted that in only two weeks Baby View has received so many 5 star reviews!..

Great app for babies. The black and white images are sharp, great movement.

Estimula - A mi bebé realmente le entretiene¡
Stimulates - Really entertains my baby!

Love it! - This app gets my 9week old's attention! I was surprised an app could get him to focus so early.

Bellissima! - Ottima anche per bimbi con problemi di vista!
Beautiful! - Excellent for children with vision problems!

Great App for babies!
My 9 week old's face lit up when I first turned it on for him! He was all smiles which I was pleasantly surprised to get that reaction from him with an app. It does get his attention for a few minutes which we have been working on him focusing more & more lately.

Baby View is a great way to stimulate eye co-ordination and focus in babies in the formative months of their lives.

It is a well known fact that that while babies are very young, and their sight is developing, their vision is much more attuned to black and white, high contrast images.

Babies love bright and sharp images. You can see their eyes light up and their interest is visibly raised when presented with these strong images. Add to that the extra dimensions of movement and sound, and your baby will be suitably impressed!

Baby View contains a variety of simple and interactive scenes for you to play through while your baby watches and learns with your help!  



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