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Compass 3D Storybook – My Ocean Friends for iPhone




参数:94.40 M / iOS 4.2+  


  My Ocean Friend是小编今天要重磅推出的一款应用,为什么呢?小编不是吹牛,前几天在幼儿应用分享的座谈会上,My Ocean Friend可是小编准备的杀手锏哦!这款应用有好几个不同的场景组合,在每个场景里面都内置了不一样的小游戏和互动。相信您的宝宝一定要为之惊喜,并咯咯直笑。   My Ocean Friend界面精美,简单的英文,超cute的配音,绝对是宝宝学习简单英文的首选。接下来就让小编带着宝宝来解开它的神秘面纱吧!  迎面而来的就是鲸鱼小朋友在介绍自己和海洋朋友们,小手点点,他会开心地翻动身子,就像宝宝被挠痒痒了,太有爱了!   看到左下角的拼图了么?在这个场景里面,宝宝可以玩拼图哦,还记得小鲸鱼的样子么?把它拼出来吧! 拼图虽然很简单,但是宝宝还是要花上一番功夫的,但是努力就有回报,拼好后海洋朋友们就马上动起来了,很有成就感吧。 快给小海龟涂色吧! 每一个球球都代表一个音符哦,宝宝赶紧弹奏自己的曲子吧。 怎么样?心动了吧。小编刚刚边介绍了同时又玩了好几遍,看着那超有爱的声音,心都软掉了。不过小编感觉,咱们的宝宝毕竟语言能力有限,中文都没认得几个,而这个软件是全英文的,小小缺憾。不过还好里面的英文都是超简单的,只要爸爸妈妈们领进门,接下来宝宝就可以尽情发挥了。


短评: Compass Media is an international eBook developer and book publishing company, whose aim is to provi...

Compass Media is an international eBook developer and book publishing company, whose aim is to provide inspiring stories to the world. This 3D storybook is fully compatible with the iPad, iPhone and the iPod touch.

NOW AVAILABLE in the App Store!
Search for "My Ocean Friends"

This app includes:
A fully animated 3D eBook complete with read-along audio narration and sound effects;
Full 3D animation to encourage child interaction;
Word study by touch;
Interactive activities including puzzles, quizzes, virtual coloring, word study, piano playing and more.

Age target: This eBook is geared for young children who are learning to read. Perfect for kindergarten and English learners!
The story and characters were designed with children in mind, targeting reading, writing, listening and speaking skills while working to build overall literacy.
1. Characters include a baby whale and other underwater animals that may already be familiar to your child. The 3D animation ensures kids will love it!
2. Learning is done through a non-traditional approach such as high-frequency word use, for maximum effectiveness and fun and to help build your child’s confidence when reading.
3. This eBook serves as a complementary resource for formal reading lessons, as well as a bridge to higher-level reading material.

My Oceans Friends is a story involving a blue whale who sets off to explore the world he lives in. On his journey, he encounters friends and other ocean creatures as well as a series of fun activities that guide him on his way. Naturally combining interactive activities with an introduction to basic concepts like colors and musical notes, this story is designed to be an enjoyable experience for young children!

영어교육 전문기업 컴퍼스미디어에서 저학년 및 미취학 아동을 대상으로
3D로 주인공 캐릭터를 구현한 3D 스토리북 어플리케이션을 출시했습니다.

파닉스를 배우는 유치 단계 아이들부터, 스토리 읽기가 중요한 초등학생까지!

컴퍼스미디어 3D 스토리북은 아이들에게 친근한 바닷속 친구들 이야기를
실감나는 3D 애니메이션으로 함께 보고 터치하며 재미있게 학습함으로써
아이들의 영어 읽기 능력을 높여줍니다.

1. 아이들에게 친근한 아기 고래 캐릭터가 3D로 구현되어 아이들이 반복적으로 읽고 싶어합니다.
2. 빈도수 높은 문장 패턴을 통해 문법 없이도 영어문장 구성력을 길러줍니다.
3. 미국교과서로 가는 징검다리 역할을 합니다.

컴퍼스미디어 3D 스토리 북으로 아이들의 영어 읽기 및 쓰기(Literacy)의
탄탄한 기반을 다져 주세요!

3D애니메이션, 퍼즐, 단어학습, 피아노, 퀴즈, 색칠공부, ebook

귀여운 아기고래가 바닷속을 자유롭게 헤엄치며 다양한 친구들을 소개시켜 줍니다.
말미잘, 해마, 거북이, 상어 등등…
아기고래와 함께 지내고 있는 귀여운 친구들도 만나고
곳곳에 숨겨져 있는 퀴즈와 학습활동을 통해서 영어읽기의 흥미를 더욱 높여줍니다.  



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