参数:20.20 M / iOS 4.3+
Talking app with beautiful images helps children of preschool age learn to tell time on an analog cl...
Talking app with beautiful images helps children of preschool age learn to tell time on an analog clock.
Kids Tell Time has several interactive elements that reinforce learning and maintain your child's interest.
Six playing modes add excitement and fun to learning. Kids want to set the clocks again and again!
1. Learn to Tell Time
• The current time is spoken and displayed on two clocks: an analog clock and a digital clock. As time starts to pass, the 2 clocks count down the minutes and the time is announced every 5 minutes
• Change the time on either clock and hear how to say the time
• Turn the page to get a new time
2. Set the Analog Clock
• Move the hands on the analog clock to show the same time as the digital clock
• Earn a star when the correct time is set
• Turn the page to get a new quiz
3. Set the Digital Clock
• Move the numbers on the digital clock to match the time shown on the analog clock
• Earn a star when the correct time is set
• Turn the page to get a new quiz
4. Match the Clocks
• Drag a clock on top of another with the same time
• The clocks matched correctly will disappear
• Earn a star if all the clocks are matched
5. Choose the Analog Clock
• Tap the analog clock that indicates the time shown on the digital clock
• If the wrong clock is tapped it will disappear
• Earn a star for a correct answer on the first try
• Turn the page to get a new quiz
6. Choose the Digital Clock
• Touch the digital clock that shows the same time as the analog clock
• If the wrong clock is tapped it will disappear
• Earn a star for a correct answer on the first try
• Turn the page to get a new quiz
Narration is available in English, French or Spanish. One narration is automatically installed according to your language preference of the device. Additional languages can be added through In App purchase options.
Text on the welcome and information pages is displayed in French, Spanish or English language according to the user selection in Settings, General, International, Language.
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