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180-in-1 Math Calculator




参数:2.20 M / iOS 4.0+  
开发: Charles Vu


短评: 内置115类各种数学难题的解决方案,就像你的一个随身顾问,让你在难题前面从容应对,绝对的智能数学利器

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- 180 solvers covering algebra, geometry, statistics, and more
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Algebra (19):
1. Arithmetic Series (Sum)
2. Complex Numbers (Add)
3. Complex Numbers (Divide)
4. Complex Numbers (Exp to Rect)
5. Complex Numbers (Multiply)
6. Complex Numbers (Rect to Exp)
7. Complex Numbers (Subtract)
8. Compound Interest
9. Discriminant
10. Distance-Rate-Time
11. Geometric Series (Finite Sum)
12. Geometric Series (Infinite Sum)
13. Linear Equation (ax+b=cx+d)
14. Linear Inequality
15. Linear System (2x2)
16. Linear System (3x3)
17. Polynomial Series (Sum)
18. Quadratic Formula
19. Simple Interest

Analytic Geometry (11):
20. Distance Formula
21. Distance From Point To Line
22. Intersection of Two Equations
23. Linear Equation (Parallel at Point)
24. Linear Equation (Perpendicular at Point)
25. Linear Equation (Point+Slope)
26. Linear Equation (Two Points)
27. Midpoint Formula
28. Polar To Rectangular
29. Rectangular To Polar
30. Slope Formula

Basic Math (13):
31. Decimal to Fraction
32. Factors
33. Fibonacci Sequence
34. Fractions (Add)
35. Fractions (Compare)
36. Fractions (Divide)
37. Fractions (Multiply)
38. Fractions (Reduce)
39. Fractions (Subtract)
40. Greatest Common Factor
41. Least Common Multiple
42. Prime Factorization
43. Reduce Radical

Geometry (33):
44. Circle Area
45. Circle Circumference
46. Cone Surface Area
47. Cone Volume
48. Cube Surface Area
49. Cube Volume
50. Cylinder Surface Area
51. Cylinder Volume
52. Ellipse Area
53. Heron's Theorem (sides)
54. Heron's Theorem (vertices)
55. Inscribed Angle
56. Parallelogram Area
57. Parallelogram Perimeter
58. Pyramid Square Surface Area
59. Pyramid Square Volume
60. Pyramid Triangle Surface Area
61. Pyramid Triangle Volume
62. Pythagorean Theorem
63. Pythagorean Triples
64. Rectangle Area
65. Rectangle Perimeter
66. Rectangular Prism Surface Area
67. Rectangular Prism Volume
68. Regular Polygon Angle
69. Regular Polygon Area
70. Regular Polygon Perimeter
71. Sphere Surface Area
72. Sphere Volume
73. Square Area
74. Square Perimeter
75. Trapezoid Area
76. Triangle Area

Matrices (9):
77. Matrix Determinant (2x2)
78. Matrix Determinant (3x3)
79. Matrix Determinant (4x4)
80. Matrix Inverse (2x2)
81. Matrix Inverse (3x3)
82. Matrix Inverse (4x4)
83. Matrix Trace (2x2)
84. Matrix Trace (3x3)
85. Matrix Trace (4x4)

Probability Distributions (78):
86-90. Binomial Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
91-94. Cauchy Density, Distribution, Inverse, Random
95-99. Chi-Squared Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
100-104. Exponential Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
105-109. Fisher Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
110-114. Geometric Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
115-119. Gumbel Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
120-124. Hypergeometric Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
125-129. Lognormal Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
130-134. Negative Binomial Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
135-139. Normal Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
140-144. Pareto Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
145-149. Poisson Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
150-154. Student-t Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random
155-158. Uniform Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments
159-163. Weibull Density, Distribution, Inverse, Moments, Random

Statistics (11):
164. Average (Arithmetic Mean)
165. Average (Geometric Mean)
166. Combinations
167. Factorial
168. Median
169. Mode
170. Permutations
171. Random Number (Continuous)
172. Random Number (Discrete)
173. Standard Deviation
174. Variance

Trigonometry (6):
175. Degrees to Radians
176. Law of Cosines
177. Law of Sines
178. Radians to Degrees
179. Trig Inverse Functions
180. Trigonometric Functions  



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