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ABC Phonics Animals Free Lite -Talking & Spelling




参数:26.20 M / iOS 3.0+  
开发: Hien Ton


现在网络上流行一种新奇的教学方法,叫做Phonics语音教学法。简而言之,Phonics语音教学法就是通过语音的互动与宝宝进行交流学习,激发宝宝的学习兴趣从而让宝宝自主学习。 今天小编向大家推荐的这款ABC Phonics Animals就是一款运用Phonics教学法十分成功的App儿童教育软件,被CBS EVENING NEWS评价为“学会英语字母表看字读音教学法的伟大的工具”。 ABC Phonics Animals是由一只由父母组成的团队研发而成,在研发过程中,这个团队从自己教育宝宝的亲身经历出发,根据软件中要收纳的每一张Flash卡片对于宝宝的吸引力以及单词拼写方式和配套声音等是否适合宝宝自身,经过多次实验最终开发出了这款优秀的ABC Phonics Animals软件。 软件中的字母、单词、拼写、发音这些特征都能够很好的帮助宝宝进行互动学习,这也是Phonics教学法所倡导的。经证实,采用Phonics教学法的ABC Phonics Animals对于宝宝早期大脑的发育和阅读能力的提高具有很好的带动作用。 不仅有生动形象的图片,还有各种声效加以辅助,在最大可能上吸引宝宝的注意力。软件的背景音乐是大家耳熟能详的“Jumping Stars”,营造了一种轻松愉快的学习气氛。同时,点击屏幕中说出“spell”的小鸟就可以听到单词的拼写发音;点击动物则可以听到动物的叫声;点击单词则会听到单词的发音……这么多互动的地方都等待宝宝来细心发现哦。    每一组学习都有十张幻灯片,每一组学习完成之后宝宝会获得一个动物玩具作为奖励,可以在“Prizes”里面看到宝宝的学习成果。如果觉得意犹未尽,还可以接着进入下一组学习哦。在软件的设置项里可以对软件的背景音乐、声效、随机播放等功能选择开闭。    经过小编如此详细的介绍之后,不知大家有没有对于这款采用Phonics教学法的ABC Phonics Animals感兴趣呢?到底好不好,还得自己用了之后才能做出评判,那么,赶快拿起手中的iPhone,为您的宝宝下载这样一款ABC Phonics Animals使用吧。 【名称】:ABC Phonics Animals Free Lite -Talking & Spelling Alphabet Flashcards Kids Games 【开发商】:  Brain Counts 【适用】: iPhone、iPad 【链接】:http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/abc-phonics-animals-free-lite/id335670787?mt=8# 【分类】:教育/语言&词汇 【价格】:Free 【评价】:4+ 【语言】:English 【最新版本】:1.2 【最后更新时间】:2010-01-07


短评: ******************************************FULL VERSION - 50% OFF Sale Price Today*******...

FULL VERSION - 50% OFF Sale Price Today

1) Featured in the App Store "New and Noteworthy"
2) Featured on CBS EVENING NEWS:
3) Recommend by Educators and Parents

Developed by a group of parents - the app mimics and automates how they would go over each flash cards with their own children, focusing in on the alphabet phonetics, spelling, reading, and sounds.

The word spellings, letters, sounds, and images in this game reinforces associative learning which may aid in early brain development in young kids and may help your child get a head start in reading.

The flash cards are organized using the proven traditional flash cards layout and is combined with the following interactive elements:
1) Audio spelling of the words along with "Jumping Stars" animation synchronized with the voice.
2) Pronunciations of the full word - Touch the "Spelling" bird
3) Animal Sounds (i.e. dog barks) - Touch the animal
3) Phonetic sounds of each letter of the word - Touch the letter
4) Letter recognition along with the sound
5) Rhythmic preschool music synchronized with the animations
6) Swipe the screen to move forward or backwards

Along with the animal flash cards, there are 3 additional games to supplement and provide positive reinforcements:
1) Animal Match Game - supplemental to the flash cards and focus on your child comprehension skills. Recommended to play this game after your child plays with the flash cards and is familiar with it.
2) Prize Zone Game - interactive game where the prizes are unlocked after completing a level in the Animal Match Game.
3) Letter Balloon Pop Game - focus on alphabet letters and sound recognition.

Please visit our site www.BrainCounts.com to provide feedbacks or questions.

** Suitable for kids 2 years and older

Please adjust the game to fit your child's skill
level in the setting area. Use this as a teaching
tool that makes learning the alphabet fun.

Featured App on CBS EVENING NEWS:

Great tool to learn english alphabet phonics.

Gran herramienta para aprender la lectura fonética del alfabeto inglés.

Grande attrezzo per imparare il metodo di insegnamento fonetico di alfabeto inglese.

Grande ferramenta para aprender a fónica do alfabeto inglês.

Grand outil pour apprendre l'acoustique d'alphabet anglais.

Großes Werkzeug, zum der Phonik des englischen Alphabetes zu erlernen.



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  • 09月01日


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全部点评 ( 1 )

echo_her   2012-01-12 22:57:26来自网站
对phonics的方法早已如雷贯耳了,看到免费已经下了。打算买一套合适的教材自己先学起来,过年后和宝贝一起学。      回应