工程师爸爸 主题 宝宝第一次上幼儿园 TT入园全纪实——第N天


作者 ourtime     

TT正式入园将近一个月了,前两周适应期除外,从上周开始,老师和家长的“Information contacting book”开始有内容了!



     Dora has had a great few first weeks at school. Though she still occasionally cries some mornings,she is adjusting to class very well.

     She loves to take care of other students in the class.This is a great characteristic.She is very caring and sweet.This week she started to participate during english class.She has started to repeat english words and sing some english songs,this is great!

     I am looking forward to see how well she can progress in the nest few months!


    I very mch agree that with the passing of time,she will adapt much better to class.Although she is adapting very quickly already.She has started participating more in circle time this week.She sings as well as repeats things in English. It is great that she is doing so this fast. She is an incredibly cute girl that seems to find almost everything interesting.such curiosity is fantastic!



    • 2012-7-4 07:46

    • 2012-6-19 14:36

    • 2012-6-19 14:01

    • 2012-6-18 12:06

    • 2012-6-17 06:22



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    全部回应( 2 )
    国际幼儿园吗?评语还是英文?      回应
    你对孩子的评价很客观啊。没有完美的孩子,只有个性的孩子。或许可以容忍孩子的个性差异,让她慢慢带着自己的特征去长大。      回应



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